By dork - 16/07/2009 20:32 - United States

Today, I found out my class was attempting to raise money for me through a bake sale because some girl spread a false rumor that I was raped and that my father was going to disown me. The whole school believes it and my biology teacher took me aside and asked if I needed someone to confide in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 096
You deserved it 3 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tubaguy42 0

wow, what a bitch. hope you get her back. at least there's good news: a lot of people care about you


I can't even begin to describe how disgusted I am by all the people saying, "so what? Its free money!" I would first talk to your teacher. Maybe have a conference with your teacher, principal, guidance counselor *if you have one* and your parents if you have told them about all this *which I would strongly suggest.* involve them FIRST because they will best be able to help you dispute this. I would also agree with the suggestion to donate the money to a charity. This has a few benefits. For one, you are getting your revenge on this girl, by completely ruining her reputation. Also, it might soften the blow to the people who have tried to help you through a nonexistent trauma. They won't feel the effort was wasted. Thirdly, it can be used as opportunity to raise rape awareness and help out a charity. It may be an FML right now because of the drama but this can be used as a great advantage!

Carterv 0

Tell them that it isn't true, and if they don't belive you, keep the money.

gen247 0

That sucks!!! Get that girl back!!!

I'd say let everything go and calm down for now...then a little bit later get the bitch back good ;)

That really sucks and I hope you out the bitch who is spreading the rumors. But you have to be floored by all the love and support you are getting from your school. They must really care about you a lot. Maybe you can make this a good thing by still having the bake sale and donating the money to a woman's shelter so it can help real victims.

Seconded. The girl who created the rumor is a heartless **** but at least the school cares enough to want to see you happy and take care of you. :)

Summer school? She could also be in college and taking summer courses. Or, she could have submit this months ago and FML is just now getting around to posting it.

ASpocksky 0

So you're getting a lot of money? is that bad?