By dork - 16/07/2009 20:32 - United States

Today, I found out my class was attempting to raise money for me through a bake sale because some girl spread a false rumor that I was raped and that my father was going to disown me. The whole school believes it and my biology teacher took me aside and asked if I needed someone to confide in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 096
You deserved it 3 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tubaguy42 0

wow, what a bitch. hope you get her back. at least there's good news: a lot of people care about you


On the plus side, at least this shows you that a lot of people care about you. On the negative side, this puts you in an awkward situation. I suggest you tell everyone that it didn't happen - however, suggest that they can either take all their money back, or put it towards a charity for rape victims.

hey, at least you get some money out of the situation.(:

Wow. FYL. Beat the girl who did that to you. That's so awful.

blondeatheartoh9 0

Everything happens for a reason, take the money. :)

dedalus_fml 0

When I was in high school I'd heard that a girl there comitted suicide. I even wrote RIP in the yearbook beneath her picture. Turned out later she was alive and well the whole time. At least you didn't get raped! FYL

Rape the bitch that started the rumor

u should collect ur money and then beat the shit outta her