By Anonymous - 26/09/2010 09:26 - Vietnam

Today, I finally had the confidence to show my girlfriend my hairy chest/stomach. I'm very self conscious about it, and get embarrassed easily. She said I looked disgusting, called me Chewbacca and broke up with me on the spot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 303
You deserved it 7 149

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you're self-conscious about it, there are plenty of ways to get rid of hair you don't want. Doesn't excuse your ex's bitchy superficiality, but you don't have to have it if you yourself don't like it.

#13 Some girls like hairy chests and don't think that the hair makes guys "look like shit." Personally I find it weird when guys don't have any chest hair at all. I don't want to feel like I'm preying on the pre-pubescent... :O


I suppose that a girl who can dump a person because of a single minor appearance flaw is just plain shallow. OP, no need to worry over something like chest hair - it's just the way you are, and your possible girlfriend should just love you for what you are. Yes, with the chest hair and any other "problems" that you might have. You should be cheering because you just got rid of a bitch who isn't responsible enough to accept all of you. Ain't that great? ^_~

varkey 7

if you're so embarrassed about it, why haven't you shaved it before (not because of your girlfriend, but you said you were really self conscious about your hairy chest) and that is kinda gross...

Actually, Idahoarmywife, if you look, some people are. However, it is less than if it were a girl who was saying she had a slight imperfection. However, that's probably due to a less narrow idea of what a man has to look like compared to women. Or it could be that this isn't considered as bad as some that women talk about.

Shave it er somethin, either way she's a real bitch

A lot of women (like me) think hairy men are super hot! OP, if shaving or waxing will make you feel good then you should go for it, but you should also be aware that a lot of women are going to love your body just the way it is. And I agree with all the people who think this girl acted like a bitch and that you're better off without her.

Besides, shaving and waxing leave itchy red bumps when the hair starts to grow out. So, if I were in OP's place, I'd go with a "love me the way i am" variant.

J_Marine 0

Dude straight up, either shave it off. OR if you save up money laser hair removal, they have technology now days where it can either be permanent or 6 months. its awesome

20 grand for 6 months ... **** that !!! i have a hairy chest and am a red head also so suck it up 0P at least ur not a hairy red head and trim the hair so it doesn't look like cousin it everywhere ... the only place I'd laser is if and when the hair grows on the back ... cuz that's just gross... I'm lucky so far .. but other than that dude save ur money ... go to the gym also the better shape ur in the less likely a girl is to turn u down cuz of the hair :)

well she is a bitch... if your hairy it means your a man. but if its like crazy just trim it a little and be proud of it. i have a hairy ass and im proud of it!

blahzz 4

Shit. i love your confidence. lol

She's a ****. If she didn't dump you over this, it would have been something else stupid. As for you, OP, you have two choices: wax.... lots and lots of wax.... or just come to terms with the body hair. It's natural. Like that tiny bit of flab that some people have (both men and women) and can't get rid of no matter how they diet and exercise.

Some women (raises hand) love hairy men. You'll find someone who thinks you're gorgeous just the way you are.