By Anonymous - 02/10/2012 19:39 - United States - Richland

Today, I finally got my hands on the new iPhone 5, after I pulled it out of a patient's rectum. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 716
You deserved it 2 956

Same thing different taste


I wonder if he bars and if so was it on vibrant

skyeyez9 24

I need to ask my friend who is an ER doctor if she has any crazy patient stories. She has been saying lately, people have been coming in with horrid burns (meth lab). They lie and say shit like they were mowing the lawn (at 2am) and the mower exploded.

I hear the iPhone 5 is pretty shitty anyway... Ba Dum Tssss

ET was just trying to phone home to Uranus

hey this doctor is breaking the law, he isn't allowed to talk about patients. he's a world class douche. but i might be wrong

Yeah, you're wrong, as well as the real douche here. How about you hold off on insulting people until you make sure it's actually justified? No personal details = no HIPAA violation.

softpaws 17

You are wrong. As long as this doctor doesnt give any personal information or names, its fine.

How is the Dr breaking the law? If no names or personal identifying information are provided then it's not a ethical violation. Are you a Supreme Court Justice able to change laws. LOL

RaindrewxRomance 7

FAKE. A doctor would be able to afford an iPhone 5...

answeryourphone 3