By CallMeJesusFreak - 23/06/2011 23:58 - United States

Today, I couldn't prove my son has had chickenpox, so his school gave us the option of getting a potentially dangerous shot he didn't need, pay for an expensive blood test to show that he previously had the virus, or sign a waiver stating I'm a religious nut refusing medical treatment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 001
You deserved it 7 929

Same thing different taste

Top comments


ridiculous. the shot has not scientifically been proven dangerous and the odds of your kid getting autism r really slim. and anyways, I don't think any of those options qualify this as an FML

BullSHIT the shot is NOT dangerous. Suck it the **** up and choose.

Just get the shot, I got it when I was little and had absolutely no side effects and I still have not gotten chicken pox. It's not dangerous haha

it will be more dangerous if you get sick as an adult due to your lack of natural immunity

Hayllee 4

If you're afraid the vaccine is going to do harm, you might as well sign the religious nut form. They won't know you're not. I agree with those saying vaccines do no harm. It's your kid though.

SadikOnuska 0

That's a standard for all public schools, and that "dangerous" shot is a chicken pox vaccine. He could get chicken pox again. That's it.

dodgingflames 7

I like how refusing to get vacc'd on religious grounds makes you a 'nut'. That aside, just get your pediatrician to write you a letter saying he's had it.

Guys, seriously. The OP is right, the Chicken Pox vaccines are BAD NEWS. I had Chicken Pox when I was a little girl, and it was mild. Because of that, I can't catch Chicken Pox again. I never got the vaccine and I'm perfectly fine. My baby sister Virginia got the Chicken Pox vaccine because she never CAUGHT it, and guess what? She is the first case of Juvenile Diabetes in our family. THE FIRST. And she's so far been the only one in our family to get the new Chicken Pox vaccination because we've all had the Chicken Pox but her. OP, don't give your son diabetes. Don't screw up his life. Say you're a religious nutjob and prove you aren't later on- just don't wreck his pancreas. Please. From the older sister of a girl who barely survived ketoacidosis, you do not want to ruin his life with that vaccine.

dodgingflames 7

and you have proof that that's what caused it? you know tons of kids who had the shot and then BAM diabetes? Right.

dodgingflames 7 They can't even find a casual link from ANY vaccine, much less a conclusive one to varicella. what an idiot.

Quiet_one 22

Correlation does not equal causation. This is a logical fallacy. Basically, what it means is that when one thing happens shortly after or at the same time as another, it doesn't necessarily follow that the first thing caused the second thing. A very silly (paraphrased) example of this from somewhere else online: A. Over the past century, the number of pirates in the world has declined. B. Over the past century, the average global temperature has increased Therefore: The decrease in pirates is causing global warming. While it's possible that the two events are related, it isn't necessarily true and further proof is needed before you can take a definite conclusion from it. I used a really stupid example, and juvenile diabetes is nothing to joke about, but it's not caused by the chicken pox vaccine. Me and my brothers (there are 5 of us) all got vaccinated, and we're perfectly healthy. It's been 15 years since I had it, and I don't have juvenile diabetes or any other health problem. You need to do more research before you make extreme statements like that. This kind of thing is what causes people to panic over nothing.

someone is lying to you. Vaccines contain mercury. start researching. vaccines are dangerous.

@#291: If that bit of mercury in the vaccine is the definitive factor toward mental retardation and developing normally, then God help the soul of anyone who eats a can of tuna...

I made an account on FML JUST to comment on this. It's a very serious thing for me, sorry.