By CallMeJesusFreak - 23/06/2011 23:58 - United States

Today, I couldn't prove my son has had chickenpox, so his school gave us the option of getting a potentially dangerous shot he didn't need, pay for an expensive blood test to show that he previously had the virus, or sign a waiver stating I'm a religious nut refusing medical treatment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 001
You deserved it 7 929

Same thing different taste

Top comments


PinkBeatdown 0

I'd go with the religious nut thing it can get u out of almost anything lol

Berenji013 1
sotagurl84 3

Idk if anybody has pointed this out since I got tired of reading all the comments, but what about younger children at home who are too young for the vaccines or older adults who never had chicken pox? Maybe the other children at school won't get it, but they can certainly carry it home and pass it on. My fiance has never had the chicken pox. Our kids are vaccinated, but if they come in contact with it they could pass it to him. I don't believe the whole autism thing and think that kids should be vaccinated. If they caused autism then why aren't a heck of a lot more people getting it since a heck of a lot more people opt for the vaccine than not? If they don't work then why are the diseases now practically non-existent?

ramband2009 0

I'd take the religious nut option.

MariSB 1

This is where I would opt to be a religious freak! Lol!

okiidokii_fml 6

just don't send him. You can do whatever you want and don't have to send him. Who the **** do they think they are? And seriouslly I would tell the doctor to wrote a note. Or call them. Or lastly sign the damn waiver. Yeah

husky22 0

what kind of screwed up school is ur son going to? Get him out of it!