By CallMeJesusFreak - 23/06/2011 23:58 - United States

Today, I couldn't prove my son has had chickenpox, so his school gave us the option of getting a potentially dangerous shot he didn't need, pay for an expensive blood test to show that he previously had the virus, or sign a waiver stating I'm a religious nut refusing medical treatment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 001
You deserved it 7 929

Same thing different taste

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#335now that's what i call an educated informed choice , most here seem half cocked, ill informed so thumbs up.)despite the fact it contradicts my overall opinion lol). Informed choices need to be made, proper research and taking histories into consideration, not just the word of one half assed quack, or fears, or the it wont happen to mes...

lalalalea6 0

that's every school in the USA I think, the op just exaggerated... you either have to prove he has had chicken pox (so they know he has built an immunity and won't get it again), just get the vaccine for chicken pox, or say he cannot get the vaccine for religious reasons.

If by "potentially dangerous shot" you mean the chicken pox vaccine, get the shot. You don't want your child dying or suffering shingles. And we don't want your child acting as a reservoir for the virus and allowing the disease to be more easily transmitted to innocent people like newborns and patients on immuno-suppressants. Honestly, I think that people who voluntarily opt out of vaccination programs should be automatically opted out of antibiotic and antiviral treatments as well.

Erm.. did you miss the part where her kid doesn't need the shot? He's immune, OP just can't prove he is.. Would you have had the same response if OP had said 'totally pointless shot' instead of 'potentially dangerous'? Also you can still get shingles after having the vaccine!

metalguy95 11

just get the test. proves he's had it and keeps the bullshit from happening

wait...what are you trying to say? a religious NUT? hmmm..Thts pretty messed up.

that means your son had chicken pox and you didn't go to the doctor....... if you had've been to the doctor, you would have no problem proving the diagnosis with a medical certificate... and for them to be even that much on your case there must be a LOT of absent from school history.....this looks soo bad for you as a parent.

My parents didn't take me to the doctor when I had chicken pox. There was no point in paying a shit ton of money for them to tell us what we already knew. The same reason I don't go to the doctor now unless there's something SERIOUSLY wrong with me.

My mum only took me to the Drs the second time I had chickenpox because she didn't think you could get it twice.. We have free healthcare here and she still never took us unless we were very sick.

ya didn't take any pictures if him? goodness my moms got atleast 10 of me with chickenpox and im all sad with calamine lotion on me. boy are they a sight for sore eyes!

dumbass. the shot isn't danger's your an overprotective freak who's son will one day end up hating you and going behind your back to do what he wants.

bruslywrestler 0

sign the waiver you tool, who cares what they think??