By Fmyhair - 27/04/2009 18:39 - Norway

Today, I colored my hair. It was supposed to turn out blonde, but it became more a mix of red and brown and blonde patches. When I tried coloring everything back, a green tint was added. My hair is at the moment red, brown, blonde and green. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 223
You deserved it 38 293

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are you sure you're not a natural blonde?

trixr4kids 0


hahahhah oh, the bad hair job. we've all had one of those well, just go to a professional at this point and get it fixed...and perhaps you should read the directions on the box a little more carefully next time.

Aha people who actually go out of their way to make their hair to look like that are envious of you, no doubt! :D Sounds pretty legendary @ least this time you'll learn not to mess with your natural hair. Dye ain't for you darling or maybe go to professional the next time around.

65: I love your screen-name and its applicability to your comment. OP: One of my best friends went through incredible extent to get her hair very strange colors in the right places. Intentionally. And it usually came out looking amazing. Having hair a little... unusual isn't bad as long as you don't turn a complimentary shade whenever someone stares at it.

That's why you let a hairstylist do it. Easy for me to say because my mom is I don't have to pay haha. But evne though you'd have to pay, isn't it worth it to pay more to make sure it's done right? So either read the box more carefully or get it done professionally.

nothing to fml about, it sounds potentially awesome.

outerblonde 0

and that's why you google it the FIRST TIME you screw up. i almost made the same mistake. if you add brown over untoned blonde, it will turn green. so for future reference, if you eff up, pay up. or re-bleach your hair with more toner, but that can cause lots of damage and your hair to feel like carpet fuzz for a few months... just sayin... not like i know...

Oh no! Is it too hard to put on a hat and find someone who knows what they're doing? Poor baby.

Sweet. Add some other coloyrs to make a rainbow of excellence. And don't listen to #51, they're probably a hairdresser!