By SadDad - 22/09/2012 18:11 - United States - Alexandria

Today, I came home to find my eight-year-old son had basically set fire to the kitchen, after trying to practice some kind of stupid shit he'd seen on TV called "fire bending." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 355
You deserved it 9 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dino_cookie4 7

Thats avatar. I always liked that show when o was young though.

FlamingTacos 7


Fire bending is not "stupid shit". Your son, on the other hand.... Let's just say most of us had already figured out that cartoons weren't real by that point.

SuiGeneris01 2

You leave your 8 year old unattended?

REALLY?? None of you people asking why he was alone were EVER left alone when you were 8? I find this hard to believe o_o.

French_Toast_fml 3

Chill out. He's just 8. If he were 16, then that would be a time to be concerned.

Are you kidding? It doesn't matter how old you are. I would choose to watch that over anything else. And we all know we tried to bend an element after watching the show.

You obvoiusly never tried it. Its awesome!

mrrod462 4

I wish I cod fire end! Your son must teach me. He us an avatar

If he had been water bending, the bathroom would have been flooded