By SadDad - 22/09/2012 18:11 - United States - Alexandria

Today, I came home to find my eight-year-old son had basically set fire to the kitchen, after trying to practice some kind of stupid shit he'd seen on TV called "fire bending." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 355
You deserved it 9 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dino_cookie4 7

Thats avatar. I always liked that show when o was young though.

FlamingTacos 7


Avatar the last airbender? I love that show!

myalleyway 9

You do NOT insult Avatar: the Last Airbender like that. Fire bending is a difficult art to master!

Did he also short out he electricity in the house? Everyone knows that fire benders can also bend electricity.

And I thought my daughter wanting to be a power ranger was weird

I used to be a bender like your son but then I took a fireball to the knee

And you couldn't care less about whether he was hurt or not? Good dad you are.

Sit his ass in front of a fan and let him practice all the air bending he can stomach.

Yeah, Avatar was an awesome show as a kid. But with these new remakes and live-action shit, it's being butchered. I'm a total fire-bender though...

Calm the **** down. I can see the veins popping at your temple.

As an otaku (sorry to any Japanese that may hate my guts for using that term), I have to say this: I LOVE YOUR KID FOR TRYING TO BE LIKE THE FIREBENDERS FROM AVATAR! >w< But on the more serious note - Sorry to hear what happened.