By SadDad - 22/09/2012 18:11 - United States - Alexandria

Today, I came home to find my eight-year-old son had basically set fire to the kitchen, after trying to practice some kind of stupid shit he'd seen on TV called "fire bending." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 355
You deserved it 9 809

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dino_cookie4 7

Thats avatar. I always liked that show when o was young though.

FlamingTacos 7


zuzupetalsYO 11

Sooo, you left him home alone?

Firstly: Your son has good taste. I salute him. Secondly: DON'T TALK SH*T ABOUT THE LAST AIRBENDER

BlackBlazeCobra 16

It plays reruns but not they've made a sequel series called Legend of Korra, Korra being the next avatar in the cycle.

kikimonole 13

How dare you call fire beinding "stupid shit." Avatar is an amazing show! Your kid is stupid for thinking he could do that! >[

kikimonole 13

Although he was eight so... The real problem is... 1.) AVATAR IS NOT STUPID. and... 2.) You shouldn't leave a kid that young alone. In all technicality, it's against the law. Just saying.

raraisbang 12

1) Actually in some states it's not. 2) Nobody ever says he was alone. Ever heard of a dumb babysitter?

bryand17 3

Make sure he knows you don't use actual fire it comes from your hands if you move them a certain way!

Who doesn't know what fire bending is?! I mean it's all over the place, especially with The Legend of Korra.

dominic1221 6

Yeah, because probably middle-aged parents with jobs are gonna be watching TV all day, much less something that looks like it's made for kids. WAIT UP! I know it's not just for kids, but a lot of people would just assume that at first glance and just flip the channel.

Yeah, but parents usually pay attention to what kids watch so it's not bad, inappropriate, or goes against their family values.

I actually know adults who watch Korra because it's actually a great show.

There's nothing stupid about fire bending. It's an art that can take years to master. YDI

Hey, hey, hey. Avatar is not stupid shit Sorry about your kitchen OP

ThexFroggyGirl 21


HipsterFox 3

I set the kitchen.. !