By SadDad - 22/09/2012 18:11 - United States - Alexandria

Today, I came home to find my eight-year-old son had basically set fire to the kitchen, after trying to practice some kind of stupid shit he'd seen on TV called "fire bending." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 355
You deserved it 9 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dino_cookie4 7

Thats avatar. I always liked that show when o was young though.

FlamingTacos 7


Don't blame a TV show if you raised an 8 year old who can't tell the difference between cartoons and reality.

ahhh avatar claims another victim. try water bending that may be better for him

ajduscfan 4

It's not stupid! It's real!!!!

I'm 26 and I got giddy like a school girl when Korra came out

Son sets fire to kitchen and could of been seriously hurt. OF COURSE GET MAD AT HIM INSTEAD OF BEING CONCERNED! (Facepalm)

OP the fact that you referred to Avatar: The Last Airbender as "stupid shit" is so funny! Especially considering that was my first thought when I read that you left your 8 year old unsupervised...

raraisbang 12

Another jackass that jumps to the conclusion that the kid was home alone... I repeat - babysitter. They usually suck and don't pay attention until something's wrong. Stop being assholes and open your mind to the possibility that the kid wasn't alone.

Avatar. You should've used you Water Bending skills

I'm 21 and LOVE Avatar! I watched the whole series when it was on TV a few years ago, then rewatched it after the season finale of Korra. No doubt one of the best animated shows there's ever been.