By rolypoly - 05/03/2014 12:33 - United Kingdom

Today, I achieved a personal goal by completing a half-marathon for charity, despite being overweight and unfit before training. When I finished I cried, not because I was proud of myself, but because I ran the last 2 miles while being followed by kids on bicycles calling me a "fat cunt". FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 502
You deserved it 5 623

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Meaniebobeanie 26

That's absolutely horrible I'm so sorry :( tbh I don't think I could've finished it if that had happened to me. You must be very strong willed. Congrats and sorry again.


Oh my gosh that's terrible! I'm sorry those kids were so rude to you! Don't let them get you down, you achieved something great and should be proud of yourself.

Don't let people like that get to you. I know it couldn't have been easy to keep going but you did and that proves that you are strong! I am proud of you and hope you keep your spirits up and go for your next goal.

Damn, OP, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I know it's hard, but don't let these ignorant and hateful little ***** get to you. The fact that they would spend their time putting others down like this says a lot about them. Well done on the marathon! Keep up the good work. *internet hugs*

Don't cry for those assholes! Cry for your joy for finishing that race! Congratulations, OP.

How encouraging and motivational...props for completing it OP

I feel horrible for laughing about this

Dang, that's impressive! Good job! Those kids clearly can't do anything worthy with their lives -- people who know what effort usually is won't put others down that way. Or at the very least follow someone for two miles to be a piece of shit. You're awesome! Should keep it up for your health and for charity :)

frenchiegirl1 6

You did an amazing job and should be proud of yourself. Not many people could have that determination. And let those idiot haters stay where they belong- behind and chasing you!

rbyounger 3

You should be proud you finished and you out fourth the effort!

doglover100 28

Congrats on the marathon. They are assholes whose dumb parents didn't teach him not to bully.