By rolypoly - 05/03/2014 12:33 - United Kingdom

Today, I achieved a personal goal by completing a half-marathon for charity, despite being overweight and unfit before training. When I finished I cried, not because I was proud of myself, but because I ran the last 2 miles while being followed by kids on bicycles calling me a "fat cunt". FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 502
You deserved it 5 623

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Meaniebobeanie 26

That's absolutely horrible I'm so sorry :( tbh I don't think I could've finished it if that had happened to me. You must be very strong willed. Congrats and sorry again.


Forget those kids. You did it! You finished!! You should be proud of yourself. **** them!

This is absolutely heartbreaking. I'm in shape, just did a half, and let me tell you, YOU accomplished something! Next time let a course volunteer know. Not only are those kids ass wipes, they're causing a safety hazard.

congrats to you for not giving up. that takes a hell of a lot of determination. the only one you're in competition with is yourself. and who cares what anyone thinks about you. smile and forget them. karma will get revenge for you :)

You're awesome! I would never have the willpower to finish after that! Good job!

GamerPerson 19

Those little brats are usually the ones that need their asses beaten by their parents. FYL, OP. :( I'm sorry you had to go through that. :(

let's reveiw something: they were on BIKES while you were running. So they were making fun of you doing something their lazy asses wouldn't even do themselves. Anyways, even if they happened to have been running in front of you, giving the same 100% you were, their opinions are still invalid. Only your opinion about yourself matters. You should feel proud at every accomplishment.

"A lion doesnt concern himself about the opinions of a sheep."

I wish I was there, I would've been encouraging you and telling them where to go. You should be very proud of yourself. I'm sorry the world is full of jerks, don't let them get you down