By Anonymous - 14/09/2009 22:22 - United States

Today, during a major fight with my boyfriend, I threw a necklace he had given me out the window, thinking it was just a cheap trinket. He then told me, for the first time, that that necklace had belonged to his now deceased grandma. FML
I agree, your life sucks 205
You deserved it 719

Top comments

Never give that kind of stuff to girlfriends, save it for the wives.

amiamazing 0

Wow, you really are an ungrateful bitch for doing that. It was just a fight.


blueem2 0

I wish more women were appreciative of he things their boyfriends and husbands do for them. Stupid undeserving bitch.

I don't really see how this is an FML. I mean, unless you were in a train, car, bus, or on a boat, where throwing it out of the window means it's pretty much gone forever, this is not a big deal. Most necklaces aren't going to shatter from a drop, even from two or three stories, unless you drop them on a concrete pathway and someone immediately steps on them. Walk outside, pick up the necklace, and stop acting immature.


I'm on a boat, Mutha-Fucka. could not even read the rest of your comment without posting this as a reply

What a **** move. I bet the argument was about how he doesn't give you nice things or some other stupid shit. You deserve whatever you get, stupid bitch.

i never give any gifts except my 9 inch johnson in the hole of your choice.

blacklite69 0

@ all the people bitching about the word "Proceeded" - It's a word. It's a perfectly valid word in this context. If you don't like it, go to another country where they don't speak english and gtfo the net.

Actually, it was a pretty shitty word to use in such a context. She was describing an initial action in the first sentence and stuck the word "proceeded" in haphazardly. Proceeding to do anything usually indicates an action other than the first, so it's like saying, "Today, while I was on the internet, I then wrote a dumb FML." Doesn't really fit together in the English language all that well.

Not to mention that it was entirely redundant. You don't 'proceed to throw.' You just throw.

If you are definitely going to get rid of it why wouldn't you pawn it???