By Anonymous - 14/09/2009 22:22 - United States

Today, during a major fight with my boyfriend, I threw a necklace he had given me out the window, thinking it was just a cheap trinket. He then told me, for the first time, that that necklace had belonged to his now deceased grandma. FML
I agree, your life sucks 205
You deserved it 719

Top comments

Never give that kind of stuff to girlfriends, save it for the wives.

amiamazing 0

Wow, you really are an ungrateful bitch for doing that. It was just a fight.


Intellectualist 0

I'm inclined to agree with The master. You're a selfish ungrateful little bitch and don't deserve love, let alone nice things. Gee, it was nice of your boyfriend to give you something he obviously cared about, to show you cared. You're an immature little bitch, and you should hang your head in shame. I hope he split up with you, because you don't deserve him, or anybody else for that matter. You are a horrible person. F HIS life, rather than yours miss conceited.

Sylversuns 0


Way to be an immature drama queen - like a 9 year old. And then you come on FML whining for more attention.. soo saddd. FbfL for wasting his time, attention and affection on such a self-centered bitch. I hope your bitchiness keeps you warm at night when you're old and alone.

skullbuster 0

Well, OP, I hope he replaces that necklace with a trophy for "Best Overreacting Drama Moment of 2009". Really, sweetheart, it makes him less likely to spring for a good engagement ring if you are prone to throwing random jewelry out the car window! But, really, he just now decides to let you know that the cheap necklace belonged to dead grandma? I'd double check that story with a relative because this reeks of some serious laying of guilt. Think back to when you were around 6 and one kid on the playground made fun of another one's mother - inevitably you would get one that lied and said that their mom was dead just to make you feel bad...even though she volunteers at the ******* school. But I digress, you both need to grow up!

rachel_parker 0

Haha did you have a bad experience? JK. funny commentt. (:

7 year olds throw things. Until they get properly disciplined.

He's full of it! If it was really an heirloom that had belonged to his now-dead grandmother, he would've told you a lot sooner. He just wanted to make you feel bad, and it worked. :/

Oh, one of those windows that look out onto the edge of the known universe? Go and outside and pick it up, jesus.

yeah lol with those "as soon as i saw 'proceeded' i clicked YDI" it IS such a cliched word... incidentally, so is 'cliched' though, so... idk

Jarlais 0

well maybe he shouldn't have pissed you off! and he's probably lying. he probably got it for 50 cents out of a wal Mart vending machine...