By Anonymous - 14/09/2009 22:22 - United States

Today, during a major fight with my boyfriend, I threw a necklace he had given me out the window, thinking it was just a cheap trinket. He then told me, for the first time, that that necklace had belonged to his now deceased grandma. FML
I agree, your life sucks 205
You deserved it 719

Top comments

Never give that kind of stuff to girlfriends, save it for the wives.

amiamazing 0

Wow, you really are an ungrateful bitch for doing that. It was just a fight.


girlwhoactshigh 0


Destructive things? Sure. I've broken stuff in anger. Personal, sentimental things? No. Personal, sentimental things in front of my girlfriend just to hurt her feelings? Hell no. For such a simple yet extremely nasty gesture, it shows how she handles conflict and should be dumped right away. Making sure to immediately reclaim any personal items in her possession, that is.

maxv_15 0


What was his grandma doing outside your window? Either it was a massive necklace, had a sharp point somewhere or you have a wicked throwing arm. Did you aim it at her, or was she just really unlucky? In any case, you can tell the police that you threw the necklace at a Peeping Tom who happened to be the grandmother you killed.

Khiash 6

I'm praying you aren't serious.

girlygirl666 0

Plexico- I am usually mildly amused at your comments, but this one makes no sense. Are you high?

LOL. He's implying that the necklace hurled out of the window hit the grandmar and is 'now deceased'. The poster should have lost the 'now' as it seems it happened just recently.

Lmao. OP's post said "his now deceased grandma"... "now deceased" being a phrase usually reserved to signify that she became deceased during or after the mentioned events. Common sense tells us that OP meant she died after the boyfriend gave her the necklace, but grammatically the post is more likely to imply that she died during or, in Plexico's "assumption", as a RESULT of the necklace being thrown out the window. EDIT: Oh damn, what are the odds I'd make a move to explain it right at the same time as someone else? Oh well.

DrunkenValor and null, Thanks for coming to my aid to bolster my absurd interpretation of the events based on the oddly-inserted "now." To me, this makes a hilarious story out of a mildly depressing FML.

CheshireHalli 19

It's Plex. Serious? Hehe... that's funny...

Why good sire, I am always here when grammar needs correcting (Unless it's my own, **** off you pedantic anal bastards.)

oh wow.. I hadda vote negative to Plexico... sad. They can't all be good. Maybe someday you'll learn that you don't HAVE to reply to EVERY FML...

I appreciate that you took the time to critique my comment. I just felt that the previous comments were fairly predictable, and I was also bothered by the odd use of the phrase "now deceased grandma." It made it appear that the grandma died during the story, even though most normal people would disregard that. I'm not normal. Even though you didn't like my take on the story, I hope you'll admit it did make you look at it differently.

I hope you are kidding. If not you are incredibly stupid

Adam_B 0

Breaking: Girl discovers that throwing a tantrum is not at all constructive and usually is pretty destructive. YDI

YDI for spending that much on a piece of pottery