By whatswrongwithit?:( - 30/09/2012 19:37 - United States - Chicago

Today, as my girlfriend and I were making out, I slowly took my clothes off and revealed my body to her for the first time. She looked, smiled, and said reassuringly, "Aww, don't worry. I know how it's supposed to look." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 465
You deserved it 3 658

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Very curious to see what "it's supposed to look like"..

Psych101 9

At least she was nice about it. If she had just left, she wouldn't have been worth your time.


Evilpirate 10

I'm sorry, but isn't it, " suppose to look". Not, "Supposed to look".

Evilpirate 10

Don't gotta thumb me down, I was just asking so I can improve my grammar.XD

It = subject of the sentence. is or 's = verb "to be", used as an auxiliary in this sentence. supposed = past participle of the verb "to suppose", can work as an adjective. Try replacing it by another verb. We would say "that's how it's meant to look" (and not "that's how it's mean to look"), we would say "that's how it's designed to be" (and not "that's how it's design to be"), we would say "that's how it was found to be" (and not "that's how it was find to be"). "Suppose" is only the present simple of the verb, and can only work in a present sentence (I suppose we should go now, I suppose you are hungry, I suppose the cat wants to go out). Hope this helps and that I haven't made things worse. Well done you for asking politely.

Gotta say, 95, that was the best long comment I've had the pleasure of reading. Go grammar lessons! (In case I sound sarcastic...I'm really not. I'm impressed with the effort and thought that went into that.)

Who says that most men in the US are curcumsised

I bet that turned you off! You could've said something negative about her boobs.

But what if she, you know, had really great boobs? There is no way you can diss a phenomenal rack...

Even if she had no boobs to insult; to what end? Were you just going to sit there and pick each other apart the entire session?

SelenaMilkshake 17

I think the circumcised ones look gross...they look better with foreskin imo

Pretty sure she meant to be reassuring, OP. So nothing to worry about. If she wanted to be snarky, she would have burst out laughing or something similar, like other people's boy/girlfriends on here seem to do regularly.

mimiminx 23

Oh wow! Looking at your profile picture, I'd just say you should be grateful you're seeing any - circumcised or not. It's not a big deal if a guy has a foreskin or not and calling it 'nasty' is really offensive. I hope someone calls your foo nasty one day...

I'm thinking he was trying to be sexy while undressing, and it failed a bit. Seems a fair guess.

Yeaaah Ms. Ayame-whatever, you shouldn't be talking about weird looks. Your boyfriend is blind right? I'm pretty sure that's the only reason he lets you around his dick.

Was it because you bleached your asshole?