By whatswrongwithit?:( - 30/09/2012 19:37 - United States - Chicago

Today, as my girlfriend and I were making out, I slowly took my clothes off and revealed my body to her for the first time. She looked, smiled, and said reassuringly, "Aww, don't worry. I know how it's supposed to look." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 465
You deserved it 3 657

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Very curious to see what "it's supposed to look like"..

Psych101 9

At least she was nice about it. If she had just left, she wouldn't have been worth your time.


Hey she has excepted.. What she has seen... ... Form what I see today... Girls want what is considered "hot" boyfriends... Instead of looking for someone who makes them happy... She's a keeper!

why are there... so many ellipses... in... your...comment.........................................................?

Actually, an uncircumcised penis IS how "it's supposed to look." ;)

Are you a girl? Then shes supposed to know cuz shes a girl too. And yea

Sounds like Shea had plenty of others

She's talking about your bleached anus, right?

Jinxx7 0

Why do u get this general idea that the majority of men are circumcised? That seems ridiculous to me.

At least she was understanding and she didn't walk out. Shows you two have something there!

chevynova1743 4

are you missin a testy? haha what a ****. you should have slapped her and then shot it in her eye.