By Anonymous - 08/09/2009 19:02 - United States

Today, as I was walking through the park I had to yawn. In mid-yawn, with my mouth wide open, I walked right through a spider web getting both the spider and the prey it was eating stuck in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 602
You deserved it 8 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's impolite to yawn with your mouth wide open. :)


That's why ur supposed to cover ur mouth when you yawn :P

yohaun12 3

that one is completely on you. next time you'll cover your mouth.

YDI for not covering your mouth when yawning!

thirty fifth! oh well. we swallow what....8 bugs a year on average in our sleep? i don't know....i read some statistic along those lines somewhere. sucks nonetheless

YDI. Should've covered your mouth for the yawn. Spider can't have been that big for you to not have seen it anyway.

Maybe it was an especially long yawn, and he had his eyes closed during it while he was walking? Not everyone keeps their eyes open when they yawn =p

YDI for having to yawn, and also for not covering your mouth when you did.

blueem2 0

YDI for being a fag and sucking dicks. That's why your mouth opens so wide while you yawn. Ass douche.

Why would you talk about your mom that way blueem2? That's so sad.

blueem2 0

Get a ******* sense of humor. I dont understand why people treat this ******* website like a discussion forum to argue about everything everyone says.