By Anonymous - 08/09/2009 19:02 - United States

Today, as I was walking through the park I had to yawn. In mid-yawn, with my mouth wide open, I walked right through a spider web getting both the spider and the prey it was eating stuck in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 602
You deserved it 8 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's impolite to yawn with your mouth wide open. :)


tellmeastoryplz4 0
sheltergirl87 0

That's why most people cover their mouths when they yawn

Have you never heard of covering your mouth when you yawn??

mousse02 4

Haha it's impolite yawning with. Ur mouth open other wise tht will happen haha

annwriter 0

Why weren't you covering your mouth?

SexyMexi21 23