By Melie-Melo - 16/12/2008 07:55 - United Kingdom

Today, after repairing the toilet, the light, the shower, the cooker and the heater in the flat I've just moved into, my boiler dies. It's mid December, about 1 degree outside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 101
You deserved it 2 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Easy_Target 0

See, this is where you start leaving flaming bags of sh*t in front of your landlady's door.

littlec_fml 0


Ever123 0

Suck it up princess. I live in Canada so...... Yeah. It gets pretty cold in the winter

Mmarion_fml 6

Yeah, "suck it up princess"... You live in Canada and its cold out there. Living in a cold country with a heated house isn't a huge feat. Even if it's "only" 1°c outside, OP's place must be freezing.

And two years later we see the effects of global warming as it was 11°c on December 15th here in Ontario.

redbeater 5

turn on your Xbox. itll warm you up.

Pillows and company in bed, and ofc stay close together to share bodyheat:)

You just moved into a flat and had to repair basically EVERYTHING that runs on electricity, gas, or water? Wow, what kind of nonexistent landlord does your complex have, anyway?

Alright look people, OP could just hate the damn cold. -1 degrees IS COLD. Just because you deal with colder temperatures like doesn't give you a free pass to be an ass hole about it.

Nissi 17

Seriously. Cold hearted jerks..