By Noj12345 - 25/06/2009 08:05 - United States

Today, after finishing work, my friend was having a party next door and my driveway was blocked. I parked 6 houses down and went to the party for 20mins. After coming out after 3 beers, I went to move my car back to my house and go to sleep. I got a DUI for driving 30 feet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 293
You deserved it 57 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You drank 3 beers in 20 minutes and then decided to get behind the wheel? YDI, even for 30 feet.

Should've left your car there and walked home.


Don't ever think it's ok to drink and drive OP. not even once!

JackHuason 22

Drunk driving is still drunk driving, regardless of the distance. YDI