By HousekeeperNoMore - 19/09/2009 21:04 - United States

Today, after being a stay-at-home mom and picking up after my kids for the past 15 years, I got a job rejection letter saying I wasn't qualified. It was a housekeeping position. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 625
You deserved it 4 544

Same thing different taste

Top comments

roxi27 0

unless you sent pics of your immaculate house, how the heck are they supposed to know you're "qualified." Living @ home does not guarantee instant martha stewart

Well no shit. Even if you're the best housekeeper ever, self-taught skills and abilities don't count for anything as soon as you want someone to pay you. You need credentials.


I don't think this is a fyl or ydi. when you were a sahm you never had to meet a certain standard, or work for real pay. they wanted to see if you had had experience in a work environment, which is different than working to a less strict schedule with only the hubby to please...

personal taught experience and professional training are not the same sorry to say

IzBtrolololin 0
DylansMomma 9

Your comment : They send you a job rejection letter for house keeping? Was it for the White House?

Keep applying at places. If you really want to do this as a job, you'll get in somewhere eventually. Beg for a chance even. Tell them you realize you have been out of the work force a while, but are willing to give it your all and be dependable. Good luck. Don't ever let one rejection letter discourage you.

randybryant799 20

They obviously turned you down because you've been out of the work force for 15 years.