By HousekeeperNoMore - 19/09/2009 21:04 - United States

Today, after being a stay-at-home mom and picking up after my kids for the past 15 years, I got a job rejection letter saying I wasn't qualified. It was a housekeeping position. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 625
You deserved it 4 544

Same thing different taste

Top comments

roxi27 0

unless you sent pics of your immaculate house, how the heck are they supposed to know you're "qualified." Living @ home does not guarantee instant martha stewart

Well no shit. Even if you're the best housekeeper ever, self-taught skills and abilities don't count for anything as soon as you want someone to pay you. You need credentials.


[Resume] >Worked as a professional housewife for 15 years >Expert in cleaning the house at my own pace >Sometimes procrastinated because of watching Desperate Housewife reruns. >Reference letter by husband if required

darkblue_13 0

you have no actual work experience and no references, how is this surprising??

You should write a letter back detailing why you ARE qualified to keep a house.

Having kids and have stayed home for a long time doesn't necessarily mean you can keep a house.

ozymandias_fml 0

Sounds like they knew you too well. Unemployed for 15 years is unemployed for 15 years, and does not qualify you for a job. Nor does watching soap operas and eating bonbons.

SlipKnoTHeretic 0

#20 has it right, so stay home and practice giving bj to your husband. if you don't have one, ydi for stealing taxpayers money for being a single parent.

My mom has been unemployed for sixteen years, and does cleaning and stuff, you know takes care of the kids and everything. She also takes care of my grandma, on my father's side. She does not just sit at home all day. She has a lot to do and is very good at it. She's always busy so if you say moms like that just sit home all day then you are wrong. Some probably do but all of the one's I know don't.

You've been unemployed for at least 15 years? In what way are you NOT qualified!? e.e women