By je_regrette_tout - 09/03/2013 18:50 - France - Livry-gargan

Today, a technician from my ISP came to my house to replace my router. He asked for a glass of water, one thing led to another, and for some reason I'll never fully understand, we ended up having sex. Looks like porn logic is not so far off the mark after all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 208
You deserved it 66 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Hey can I get a glass of water" "Sure, can I get you anything else?" (**** music starts to play)


Things happen to turn out like a **** flick when you have the "I'm easy" mentality of a **** star.

Woah hold up, don't just say one thing led to another. I'd actually like to know WHAT brought you to it, I think that'd would've made a funnier FML.

This has just repulsed me. I imagine cheesy music, 70s hair and horrible acting

Sykes_1014 0

Or maybe the acting was so good it was bad? Lol

musiciangirl591 16

no money? had to come to some other form of payment? :P

And this is an FML How? I think it sounds like a good time.

eaglerob 20

How to score free Internet for a year.

badbitchesonly 2

Do they have a My Life Is Awesome website? Cuz thats where this should be. Unless you got herpes. Then your life sucks.

You were probably the fifth housewife he banged that day! Congrats!!

perdix 29

There was probably some latent yada-yada-yada in there somewhere.

You can't Yada-Yada sex! You Yada-Yada'd over the best part!