By je_regrette_tout - 09/03/2013 18:50 - France - Livry-gargan

Today, a technician from my ISP came to my house to replace my router. He asked for a glass of water, one thing led to another, and for some reason I'll never fully understand, we ended up having sex. Looks like porn logic is not so far off the mark after all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 208
You deserved it 66 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Hey can I get a glass of water" "Sure, can I get you anything else?" (**** music starts to play)


WoeIsKatiee 5
woiz 11

his wireless antenna was really strong sending signals !!!!

reyna1293 10
adam_night 9

Hahaha kinda creepy but one of the funniest most amusing things I've ever heard!!!

Oh, well. No point regretting it; just try not to sleep with the next guy that comes along... unless he's a hot builder. ok, i'll pull the trigger- haha 'comes'!

Gee I wonder how many women he slept with ? Totally crazy and nasty .

Vive la France!!! I guess we will read you again next time you order a pizza!!

This is the best one I've read in a long time