By je_regrette_tout - 09/03/2013 18:50 - France - Livry-gargan

Today, a technician from my ISP came to my house to replace my router. He asked for a glass of water, one thing led to another, and for some reason I'll never fully understand, we ended up having sex. Looks like porn logic is not so far off the mark after all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 207
You deserved it 66 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Hey can I get a glass of water" "Sure, can I get you anything else?" (**** music starts to play)


seansbro56 10

Why is this an fml if you purposely did it??? And wouldn't that be a good thing anyways...

Why is this an FML? You chose to have sex with him, you will just have to live with the knowledge that you lived a **** cliche :P

ColbyGB 13

Was there bad acting involved also?

You turn my floppy disk into a hard drive.

Devilpuppy0861 7

"I'm going to megabyte your PCU and show you who's boss by RAMing your motherboard till I defrag your system ;)

"Here's your water.. here's my lady parts.. the decision is yours ;)"??

*Insert relevant, humorous, observation here*

Did a random camera crew come outta nowhere?

scottyspot 11

So, how about a glass of water?

I guess he was that attractive. He just wanted to wet his lips but ended up wetting yours, giggity. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around how getting a glass of water leads to repairman sex though.

musiciangirl591 16

he gave her the bill and she didn't have the money to pay him? :P

As someone going into the tech industry this gives me hope! Jk lol stiff funny as shit though.