By je_regrette_tout - 09/03/2013 18:50 - France - Livry-gargan

Today, a technician from my ISP came to my house to replace my router. He asked for a glass of water, one thing led to another, and for some reason I'll never fully understand, we ended up having sex. Looks like porn logic is not so far off the mark after all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 207
You deserved it 66 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Hey can I get a glass of water" "Sure, can I get you anything else?" (**** music starts to play)


Totally awesome, OP! You seem to be in tune with your sexual desires. :-)

i work in tech support. You'd ba amazed how often stuff like this happens. Cable's so overpriced

iphoneboner 6

Was it atleast cable cause if it was DSL you got ****** twice

The_Honey_Badger 17

For a lack of words... DAFUQ?

smileyheart 5
ViviMage 38

I work at a cable company. I'm used to hearing about personal calls made while reclining on the couch and foul mouths, but this??

First thing I thought of was Jake from Becker when they were talking about sex. He said pretty much if water is mentioned... its guaranteed to lead to sex. So... looks like he was right.

Hey router boy, do u have enuf signals in your pants? I feel a lil itchy in my panties can u send in ur waves to fix it? Lolz

Wow...... just wow........ I have no response to this one. It's not really an FYL or a YDI...... it's just...... something.