By je_regrette_tout - 09/03/2013 18:50 - France - Livry-gargan

Today, a technician from my ISP came to my house to replace my router. He asked for a glass of water, one thing led to another, and for some reason I'll never fully understand, we ended up having sex. Looks like porn logic is not so far off the mark after all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 208
You deserved it 66 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Hey can I get a glass of water" "Sure, can I get you anything else?" (**** music starts to play)


jett0001 13

Chances of another IT guy getting laid like that? 1 in a million. Being that 1? Priceless.

tomorrow_16 0

He was thirsty for more than just water

musiciangirl591 16

I guess your internet connection isn't the only thing that's moving fast.

thejimler 9

I'm the ISP tech, I'm here to turn on... 'the router' BOOM-CHICKA-WOW-WOW

you know, I have this feeling you might see your own face on the cover of a video before long. seems like too much of a coincidence and he was gunning for that the while time.....

skyeyez9 24

Im sure the technician told everybody at his work.

KingCeltic77 18

YDI. You made the decision, and now you've gotta live with it.

natas_fml 13

I guess he stuck his hard drive in your dirty puter's floppy slot and collected his kudos?