The worst

By mommylovesu - 15/03/2011 02:25 - United States

Today, the bus came to pick up my daughter to take her to kindergarten. When it honked, I opened the door for her to let her run out to it. Halfway there, she tripped and started crying. I couldn't run out because I was still in my underwear. Now her bus thinks I'm the worst mom ever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 170
You deserved it 43 768

Same thing different taste

Top comments


my2centsworth 15

OP, you can't change what happened. Sit down with your daughter and talk to her. let her know you're sorry you weren't there for her. Throw some comfy clothes on in the future so you can be prepared next time in case there's an emergency. If you had gone outside like that your child wouldn't have heard the end of it. it was a lose-lose situation.

you know, those buses can be so judgemental!!! /sarcasm. next time put on some friggen pants, you freak.

ida been out there whether i was in my underwear or a clown suit or naked id do anything for my child

Why are you running around in your underwear with your kid home???

TempestRain 0

I agree...WTF is wrong with you?!?! What kind of person let's their five year old ride a bus to school? Also get your lazy butt out there and help your baby! It's your own darn fault you were in your underwear! Who cares if you get embarrassed? You child is more important. I can't believe they let you breed!

zowieandzander77 1

simmer! The OP wasn't putting her kid on a city bus--it was a school bus! ya know the big yellow buses that take kids to and from school.

zowieandzander77 1

Actually you might not know--I didn't see that you are not from the US. Here schools and towns provide transportation to kids to and from school usually in the form of a bus. Generally they are yellow or orange. It's perfectly safe and normal-even for kindergartners. Some schools have a special buses with more safety features for younger children.

fthku 13

I don't understand what makes so many people assume that school busses only exist in the U.S.

Mokiikom_fml 8

It's mostly in the US. Some other countries also have school buses, but it's very rare. Most don't, and kids just walk to school if it's close, or get dropped off by their parents. (Or ride public transportation if they're a bit older... yes, along with the hobos and all the other people.)

fthku 13

What does being a hobo have to do with taking public transportation? And not to seem mad or anything, but how do you know that it's rare? did you conduct a survey regarding school busses around the world? They exist here in Israel, they just don't exist in ALL schools around Israel, which might mislead people into thinking there are no school busses. I'm sure they exist in other countries as well, so assuming it's only in the U.S would be incorrect, as I have said.

adaliapeace 3

Jeez... First of all, the bus driver would be more likely to report the mother running outside in her underwear than the kid falling down and mommy not running to the rescue. Kindergarten-age kids cry at the drop of a hat and it ain't gonna kill them to skin their knees. Indecent exposure in front of a bus full of minors, on the other hand...

well slip on some sweatpants or a robe dumbass

alpha14_fml 0

The bus? Yes I am sure the bus and his bus friends will be talking about it later in the school bus lot.