The worst

By mommylovesu - 15/03/2011 02:25 - United States

Today, the bus came to pick up my daughter to take her to kindergarten. When it honked, I opened the door for her to let her run out to it. Halfway there, she tripped and started crying. I couldn't run out because I was still in my underwear. Now her bus thinks I'm the worst mom ever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 170
You deserved it 43 768

Same thing different taste

Top comments


wow! i have a 5 yr old and i would never walk around in my underwear like that bc at that age thwy still like to copy, plus like someone said grab a robe or long t-shirt...

Mokiikom_fml 8

They will try to copy??? Wtf does that have to do with anything?? It's not like the mom goes outside naked, so what are you afraid the girl will copy? Ohhh, I see, you're one of those paranoid taliban puritans, who deeply believe that if someone realizes they have a body, then they will automatically become sinful and terrible, huh? Do you also bathe in your clothes, or do you risk the terrible temptations? It's dangerous you know, you might see yourself in the mirror and be incapable to control yourself! You might become slutty and sinful if you notice there's skin etc. under all those covers... Pff. Please don't be ridiculous. Seeing their mom in underwear never killed anyone. Much the contrary, growing up never seeing the human body can cause problems for children's identity and self-esteem. Not to mention the prudishness and foolishery that will also be impossible to avoid. And the more you make something into a taboo, the more your child will be burning to throw away those clothes as soon as she is of age. So you may think you're doing the right thing, but the taboo and repression are actually bad.

clashatdemonhead 3

um, put on some clothes the next time you get in the car? how did you walk out of the house like that, it's nasty.

Anaxes 5

How the **** do people get car out of the FML? If the OP was in a car, why the **** would she just park near the bus stop and wait with her daughter in the car instead of just driving her to kindergarten herself?

if you have a small child you need to be there for her. If you're close enough to, you need to help her. Running out in your underwear isn't very good in front of a school bus full of kids, but next time wear something. you never know. And...shocking news: cars have windows. you can't only look out of them, the people can probably see your underwear, if they're close enough or a little higher. If you go out of your house...wear clothes. if not, you ARE a horrible mom, and that for more than just one reason

fthku 13

Everything you said is right, up to the part about the car. Where the hell are so many replies here seeing ANY part about OP going to a car, or being in one? Are you reading "When it honked" as "when I honked"? Also, forget the "you never know" part, why are you in your underwear around your child? I definately wouldn't appreciate it as a kid. Ew.

Radek18 0

meh stop making us who thought they were in a car feel bad it has a simple psychological reason it happens in many fmls not just this one

SarahMarie83 0

That's quite an intelligent bus.

your dog is gorgeous. reminds me of mine, had to give him to one of my truckers, so my baby is now an on the road dog!

clashatdemonhead 3

haha oh nevermind, but either way, wear some pants next time.

Poor girl.. I'm sure if she was seriously hurt you would have run out but that is public indecency. Hope you still did just took a little longer to do so. We wander around my son naked, underwear or whichever, showering together too =] I think it's healthy to teach them to be comfortable in their skin. I moved out of the city so people wouldn't be so anal when he ran around in the backyard naked through the sprinkler lol. But I still go back for the nude beach! Cheers and next time have a robe handy!

lhgurlz 5

you walk around your son naked?!?

mintcar 9

I'm sure you meant the bus DRIVER, not the bus itself. Anyways, the driver hates his job, hates kids, hates mornings and couldn't care less.

sourgirl101 28

Okay people, I'm pretty sure the "door" the OP is talking about is to her house, not car. If it was her car, why would she need a bus vs driving her child to school herself? Not that I haven't seen half naked people roaming around in public.(:

mintcar 9

I walk to class in the nude.

sourgirl101 28

And all this time, I thought you got A's for being a smart cookie. I guess your teacher grades on a curve. (:

dudehaha 4

doubt anyone would have starred much. why are you not dressed yet anyone.