The irony stings

By Anonymous - 08/05/2009 02:07 - United States

Today, I was driving home, it was 80 degrees out. Making a rare attempt to be eco-friendly, I turned off the A/C and lowered the windows. A bee then flew in through the window, hit my cheek, and stung me. That's what I get for attempting to be eco-friendly. FML
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Today, my friend and I were out looking for nectar, when a gigantic beast rumbles by and sucks my friend into its gaping jaws. He hits some flesh inside the mouth, and sacrifices himself for the hive by stinging the horrid beast. FML

Ironically, at that speed, it's better for the environment to roll up your windows and use the AC. Opening the windows creates enough drag to worsen the MPG.


wow if thats all you are doing to be eco friendly you might as well stop because turning your a/c off in a car is the most ridiculous excuse for being eco-friendly i have ever heard of, dont even try and say thats why you had your window down cuz you know its a lie, if you were really thinking eco-friendly you would shut your a/c off at your house and deal with the warmer temp. but you didnt did you so, shut the f**** up about how you were supposedly trying to be eco-friendly cuz we all know your full of s***!!!

#10 and 11 of course it's not Celsius idiot, that would mean death, like burning death. In America they measure with Fahrenheit. 80 degrees Fahrenheit is about 27 degrees Celsius.

from what i gathered so far, u didn't help the environment by rolling ur window down, and you didn't help the bee population by letting one sting u.

Whoah, #13, lighten up. Nobody cares about being eco-friendly, it's just a sick joke, so get over yourself.

grazynaanka 0

it was the bees way of thanking you for being eco friendly. all he wanted to do was thank you.

LilKonvicted 0

Well the bee is dead isnt it, O wait who's life got ****** again?

Sounds like that bee knew what it was doing.

greenyme 0

#17 yehaaaa, the bee just tried to kiss him on the cheek

alex_vik 0

Meh, that's why I never open my windows. I just deal with the heat when the a/c is off.

Try to be Eco-Friendly and a Bee not only stings you, but then dies. I hate Bee's & Wasps.. and any stinging insects, ERGF.