The irony stings

By Anonymous - 08/05/2009 02:07 - United States

Today, I was driving home, it was 80 degrees out. Making a rare attempt to be eco-friendly, I turned off the A/C and lowered the windows. A bee then flew in through the window, hit my cheek, and stung me. That's what I get for attempting to be eco-friendly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 052
You deserved it 11 319

Same thing different taste

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Today, my friend and I were out looking for nectar, when a gigantic beast rumbles by and sucks my friend into its gaping jaws. He hits some flesh inside the mouth, and sacrifices himself for the hive by stinging the horrid beast. FML

Ironically, at that speed, it's better for the environment to roll up your windows and use the AC. Opening the windows creates enough drag to worsen the MPG.


Ditto #4. When the temperature is higher, it's better to use your A/C, for you and the car.

At certain speeds it's more economical to have your windows up and A/C on.

i think your an idiot for mentioning the part about being eco'd get a lot more sympathy if you said "today, i was driving down the highway when a bee flew in and stung me" actually, no. no you wouldnt. that sucks, but its not an fml. 33, wtf are you talking about? we don't have screens on car windows idiot nobody does

Shhh! Don't insult the *special* people! They might catch on !

They've done tests and for sure at high way speeds you use less gas with the ac full blast then the windows down. so ylif because not only did you get stung but you weren't being eco friendly

lawlatnubz 0

Why do you think not using the AC is eco friendly in a car? It doesn't drain gas. Ironically, the bee population is decreasing and one possibly could have died today while you were trying to be eco friendly. Either way, sucks to get stung by a bee. ugh

BrutalDave 0

that's not you attempting to be eco-friendly; it's you being a jew and not wanting to waste gas.

ride a bike ;o or get a prius 0.o

Boo-hoo, I went outside in the elements, and had to face nature. That's what I get for coming out of my bubble.

subliminal23 0

and FYI being eco-friendly would've been to roll up your windows and put your AC on. having your windows open cause drag to the car, there-for using more gas in order to power it. should've left your silly windows up!