The inconsistent gardener

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I looked in my mouse's cage and noticed a tiny weed growing. I've been trying to grow a garden for years to no avail. Even my mouse is a better gardener than I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 282
You deserved it 11 027

Top comments

ur mouse is growing weed plants to cope with his sucky jail celled life XD

Don't feel like a dope or be hash on yourself. You'll grow some grass eventually, maybe pot today, maybe pot tomorrow, but someday. Not everybody has a green thumb. Maybe you could ask your friend Mary Jane to hemp you out with your gardening, just take her out to lunch at a local burger joint in exchange for her assistance. It cannabis too hard. All these crappy puns are making Mary-wanna get high now... (Man, I wish I was as clever with these as DocBastard.)


SirEBC 7

The word "retard" was omitted in my above post because it is offensive. The correct term is "mentally challenged." Jerk.

Gondile 4

FML? Really? Your hamster obviously was trying to cheer you up since you suck at gardening by making some mary jane! Shame on you OP!

LOL I'm just going to laugh and pretend that I didn't read the last part because or else I would have to call u a complete dumb ass.

Jesus.. FAIL bahahahah. Actually though that's happened to me x] my hamster though

Susieee_Q 9

I. Have. No. Common. Sense. I'm so dr. watching house of Anubis. WTF?

Susieee_Q 9

Hahahaha. I love how handsome you are. I haven't even read the FML. I guess I should....

that would mean she is no longer blind dumbass

callofduty4life 0

stop sucking so much at gardening then?