The inconsistent gardener

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I looked in my mouse's cage and noticed a tiny weed growing. I've been trying to grow a garden for years to no avail. Even my mouse is a better gardener than I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 282
You deserved it 11 027

Top comments

ur mouse is growing weed plants to cope with his sucky jail celled life XD

Don't feel like a dope or be hash on yourself. You'll grow some grass eventually, maybe pot today, maybe pot tomorrow, but someday. Not everybody has a green thumb. Maybe you could ask your friend Mary Jane to hemp you out with your gardening, just take her out to lunch at a local burger joint in exchange for her assistance. It cannabis too hard. All these crappy puns are making Mary-wanna get high now... (Man, I wish I was as clever with these as DocBastard.)


Maybe you should try cleaning its cage a little more often that's disgusting....

FriskyCoconut 0
uncbballwins 0
bentleyGCspeed 0

My blind grandmother saw what he did there...

Penises_are_fun 0

You scared the cum out of me trollz!

Penises_are_fun 0

Troll* sorry used to Trollz. Oh how he makes me wet…

You're a crap gardener and a crap mouse owner. Do a little research and make a stronger effort when taking up your next hobby, mkay?

uncbballwins 0

That, my good sir, would be impossible.

I believe you should make a little army of migrant mouse workers to tend to your gardening.