Strange terminology

By Not true - 18/07/2016 02:56 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me that I don't have a "grippy vagina" after he slipped out for the third time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 422
You deserved it 1 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Was he expecting a hand to appear down there?

Tell your boyfriend that he has a very small dick after he slips out for the fourth time.


Your boyfriend has tiny dick syndrome!

Maybe it's because he is so small and prefers to blame you for it

Does he even know what he's doing?? I've never had a guy slip out and I'm certainly no where near being virgin material. When I picture this I imagine he must have a 2 incher and any time he takes a thrust he runs the risk of pulling it out unintentionally. Or he doesn't know how to use it..

Maybe he's never had a real ****** before that gets slippery when more aroused? Idk I'm trying to think beyond the dick jokes

Wow...this place has turned into tumblr.

I'm sorry but all of you saying trying to say that vaginas widen when you're aroused, making it sound like a gaping hole. That's why we have exercises for our flowers below. Also, having constant sex every single day or just excessive will give you a wide set ******. So watch out & keep your legs closed. That's why masturbation is just so damn healthy for ya. Tighten up women & Men also, small dick? They've got pills & pumps for that or figure out how to use your penis. Simple.

The exercises are designed (or were originally developed) for women who have had children or surgery on their nethers, as a rule. And no, frequent sex will NOT make you 'loose', that's an urban myth and one people REALLY need to stop proliferating!

Frequent sex does not give you a 'wide set ******'. The ****** is a passageway of muscles. If anything, using it more often will 'tighten' it. It can go back to its regular size after pushing out an 8lb baby. A penis does not make a difference. Please read up on female anatomy.

Oh my god this myth needs to die. Also, someone needs more or better sex ed. No, lots of sex does not give you a "loose" or "wide set" ******." A ****** get "looser" during arousal due to mostly lubrication and a little to accommodate room for a penis, but it ALWAYS goes back to it's original state, about the size of a quarter. The ****** is a muscle, just like any other muscle, they stretch and go back to normal. Look at it this way, your mouth is made with the same muscles as your ******. Now when you smile and stretch your mouth real wide, does it stay stretched out so you always have this foolish look on your face, or does it go back to normal as soon as you stop using those muscles? It goes back to normal doesn't it? Well so does the ******.

You were clearly not joking, don't try and pull that.

tiredofwaiting 25

He must have a pencil dick.