Strange terminology

By Not true - 18/07/2016 02:56 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me that I don't have a "grippy vagina" after he slipped out for the third time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 422
You deserved it 1 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Was he expecting a hand to appear down there?

Tell your boyfriend that he has a very small dick after he slips out for the fourth time.


Anyone saying this guy has a small penis obviously doesnt know that even guys with big dicks can fall out. Try a different position and if he still slips out then he just sucks at sex.

Anyone who actually thinks its because of a small dick, (yes i get the whole, "my fault? well maybe its your fault!" thing) doesnt know that even guys with big dicks can fall out. Maybe try a different position for a better angle, and if he still slips out, maybe he just sucks at it.

We're not offering it as a sensible suggestion; we're just turning the insult back on him.

lkb307 21

tell him to stick it back in and take shorter strokes. it's not as long as he thinks

Tiny dicks always slip out. He is passing his insecurities on to you. Move on.

Flesh lights ruining it for the rest of us.

Motion of the ocean... It's not the size that matters but how you use it... Blah blah blah. Know what you have. don't back out with a 7" stride if you're only working with 5"s

If it makes you feel better my ex used to call me ****** lips of steal because one time the condom fell off inside and then broke another time. He always fell out. Anyways sorry OP!

Might I suggest honey as your new lubricant?

He's used to grippu sex because of how often he masturbates