Strange terminology

By Not true - 18/07/2016 02:56 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me that I don't have a "grippy vagina" after he slipped out for the third time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 422
You deserved it 1 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Was he expecting a hand to appear down there?

Tell your boyfriend that he has a very small dick after he slips out for the fourth time.


Not tight enough is guy code for small ween. Perhaps he should see about penis enlargement.

Maybe your ****** likes the bigger, finer things in life.. And your boyfriend just isn't either of them.

Hes slipping out because he has a small dick...... your ****** has nothing to do with it...

That has happened to me. The slipping out part

You should make him watch the movie "teeth". Then he'd be grateful your vag doesn't latch onto him

you can order vaginal tightening cream from pure romance

The Duer 4

At least you know that he can pull out.