Straight to jail

By breathalizard - 02/05/2009 06:21 - United States

Today, I left a party after drinking, and was soon pulled over. I frantically grabbed my mouthwash I keep for emergency situations to cover up the alcohol smell on my breath. I was given the breathalyzer almost immediately. I blew a 2.37. Apparently, alcohol is the main ingredient of Listerine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 366
You deserved it 300 286

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... how could you not have known that? Oh, and YDI for drunk driving.

kscott88 0

You're an idiot for multiple reasons. A) Driving drunk B) Not knowing that most mouthwashes have a high alcohol content C) Keeping mouthwash for emergency reasons


YDI for not knowing mouthwash has alcohol in it

all of you who say that's not possible forget the OP was drunk...and had alcohol to mask the smell of alcohol...while can't expect him to recall correctly...

#43, he'd be dead at 2.37, but he wasn't claiming that was his actual BAC. Read the FML again. And they do breath tests on the side of the road in some places. But yeah, your third point is correct, and that's why YOU CAN'T FOOL THE BREATHALYZER TEST ******* morons.

drunk driving is one of the stupidest things you can you. and how did you not know Listerine has alcohol...

GloomySkyz 0

I learned that a LONG time ago from a Mythbusters episode i was watching with a friend.

kibblesnbits1053 0

In response to my previous post (#44) I am assuming that you drank the mouthwash because a) spitting it out wouldn't have been possible in the car, nor easy to do without the cop seeing you, and b) rinsing your mouth wouldn't do anything to the test. Alot of people are assuming you rinsed, but I think you drank it, because that would effect the test.

rufio420 0

#43 the cops do give you a breathalizer test on the side of the road. thats the only way they can have the grounds to arrest you

wmva53 0

number 1: everyone knows that mouthwash's main ingredient is alcohol number 2: YDI for driving drunk

Don't drink and drive, dumbass, and that would have never happened.

It's all been said, I just wanted to sign the petition that you are an idiot. drinking + driving= @sshole!