Straight to jail

By breathalizard - 02/05/2009 06:21 - United States

Today, I left a party after drinking, and was soon pulled over. I frantically grabbed my mouthwash I keep for emergency situations to cover up the alcohol smell on my breath. I was given the breathalyzer almost immediately. I blew a 2.37. Apparently, alcohol is the main ingredient of Listerine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 366
You deserved it 300 286

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... how could you not have known that? Oh, and YDI for drunk driving.

kscott88 0

You're an idiot for multiple reasons. A) Driving drunk B) Not knowing that most mouthwashes have a high alcohol content C) Keeping mouthwash for emergency reasons


Why the hell did swalow the mouthwash you idiot

For all of you who believe that the 2.37 is a mistake. It might be. :p But the truth of the matter is that with listerine it is very possible to blow a 2.37. The raw alcohol in the listerine will cause the breathalyzer to think you have ungodly amounts of alcohol in your system even amounts at which you should be dead.

It doesn't matter you moron. You can't trick a breathalyzer regardless the method you use. It detects your blood alcohol level, by your theory you would exhale enough anyways to remove the alcohol smell from your mouth.

you should have refused to blow...all they can do is charge for dui, which you got screwed for anyways. but this way they don't have any evidence or proof, so a lawyer can get you out of it easily been there, done that

that_guy321 2

YDI for driving drunk and not knowing listerine has alcohol people saying the 2.37 isn't real- it easily is if he had just drank had just drank the alcohol and there still is some in his mouth.

imaloser389 0

this is a lie. I own my own breathalyzer and i've tried the whole listerine thing and it didn't work, you'd have to SWALLOW it for it to have any effect on you.

Kitty34_fml 0

YDI (and so much more) for drinking and driving. Idiot. You could have killed someone. You're also an idiot for not realizing if something smells like alcohol, it probably has alcohol in it. Who doesn't know there's alcohol in mouthwash?? So stupid.

npk1112 0

To the OP..i absolutely hate you. If I were to ever come in contact with your pathetic self in person, I would beat the living shit out of you. You are a terrible terrible person. You endangered other people's lives with your complete stupidity and you want people to be sorry for you? It is a GREAT thing that you got pulled over and I hope you get your license taken away.

#99 depends where you could have your licence revoked if you refuse the breathalyser