Straight to jail

By breathalizard - 02/05/2009 06:21 - United States

Today, I left a party after drinking, and was soon pulled over. I frantically grabbed my mouthwash I keep for emergency situations to cover up the alcohol smell on my breath. I was given the breathalyzer almost immediately. I blew a 2.37. Apparently, alcohol is the main ingredient of Listerine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 366
You deserved it 300 286

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... how could you not have known that? Oh, and YDI for drunk driving.

kscott88 0

You're an idiot for multiple reasons. A) Driving drunk B) Not knowing that most mouthwashes have a high alcohol content C) Keeping mouthwash for emergency reasons


YDI for driving drunk!!! And who doesn't know that there's alcohol in mouthwash? Honestly, I believe you're either lying about the 2.37 or exaggerating. That's literally not physically possible. There isn't THAT much alcohol in mouthwash.

dcubed121 0

your an idiot for risking my life and those of other innocents.

Ugh, even worse than the fact you seem to think it's OK to drink and drive is the fact you think you deserve sympathy for being busted when trying to cover it up. **** off and die. YDI.

In are a terrible person.

smart one. have you never seen movies where they show alcoholics like drinking mouth wash

# 26, I was trying to change my thing, because I was confused at what he said :P Dont ask why. I was actually changing it to "it will barely affect your breathalyzer test" but my two minutes were up..xD

ROTFLOL. You absolute retard. I bet the officer was like "WTF." Besides, you don't deserve anyone's sympathy for drinking and driving.

dreamofme 0

If' you're one of those people who thinks they know their limit and can drive just fine with a couple of drinks in you, you've just been proven wrong. You got pulled over for a reason. And you were obviously too drunk to operate a motor vehicle. If you're not one of those people and you drove anyway, shame on you for thinking you getting home was more important that the potential people you could've killed.