Straight to jail

By breathalizard - 02/05/2009 06:21 - United States

Today, I left a party after drinking, and was soon pulled over. I frantically grabbed my mouthwash I keep for emergency situations to cover up the alcohol smell on my breath. I was given the breathalyzer almost immediately. I blew a 2.37. Apparently, alcohol is the main ingredient of Listerine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 366
You deserved it 300 286

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... how could you not have known that? Oh, and YDI for drunk driving.

kscott88 0

You're an idiot for multiple reasons. A) Driving drunk B) Not knowing that most mouthwashes have a high alcohol content C) Keeping mouthwash for emergency reasons


I've known for a very long time that mouthwash has alcohol in it. At my high school, they give you breathalyzer tests before you can enter a school dance. They want to make sure you're sober. And even the mouthwash will set the breathalyzer off, so... it's best you chew gum. (I was trying to edit this into my post, but I ran out of time)

superchels 0

If any of you are from AMERICA you should know that breathalyzers are on a 1.0 scale. If you blow a 1.0 that means you have 100% alcohol in your system and you should have been dead a hell of a long time ago. If someone blows a 2.37 that would mean they have 237% of alcohol in their system. People really need to quit making up some of these FML's

KwitIt 0

What amazes me is that the OP keeps the listerine in his car for emergency situations. Which means s/he has probably driven drunk SEVERAL times and just not gotten caught. I'm afraid to be on the road now...

I wish you would have plowed into a pole for being so stupid.

Jakester 0

Epic Fail!! YDI for 2 reasons: 1) You were driving drunk 2) HOW THE HELL DID YOU NOT KNOW THAT MOUTHWASH HAS ALCOHOL??? Thats what kills the germs!! What do you think the mouthwash has that kills the germs??

spaztastic31 0

2.34??? that means that 234% of your blood contained alcohol (as far as i know about breathalyzers), which is clearly impossible. and just to put it out there, it's possible to be functional with a blood alcohol level of .5 if you have built enough tolerance up in response to #43. but clearly this fml is by a complete idiot or fake

l33tm0nk3y 0

That's a pretty well-known fact, actually. You're an idiot, both for not knowing that and for driving drunk.