Straight to jail

By breathalizard - 02/05/2009 06:21 - United States

Today, I left a party after drinking, and was soon pulled over. I frantically grabbed my mouthwash I keep for emergency situations to cover up the alcohol smell on my breath. I was given the breathalyzer almost immediately. I blew a 2.37. Apparently, alcohol is the main ingredient of Listerine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 366
You deserved it 300 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... how could you not have known that? Oh, and YDI for drunk driving.

kscott88 0

You're an idiot for multiple reasons. A) Driving drunk B) Not knowing that most mouthwashes have a high alcohol content C) Keeping mouthwash for emergency reasons


um, DUH, mouth wash contains LOADS of alcohol. That's why you're not supposed to swallow it.

gleidu77 0
xpeacesigns 0

YDI for drinking and driving. Plus, for not knowing that mouth wash has alcohol in it. I think my 2 year old cousin knows that.

Uhh POST #43 you do get tested on the side of the road... I've seen it, happened to my friend as well! And OP, you're a complete idiot for driving under the influence. Karma's a bitch though, you'll learn!

ditlihi 0

Oh! Come on. This is and urban legend. Listerine does contain alcohol but it's a different kind. Not the kind you get drunk on. Drinking it will make you very sick and could kill you.

youaresofucked 0

Haahahahaaahahaa. What a dick. #2 - that's INSPECTOR Clouseau ;)