Sorry, dude

By kiki - 25/05/2009 01:35 - United States

Today, I was working at a grocery store and a man came to my register to ask for the price of a mop. I took the mop from him to scan it without realizing the pole was between his legs. I hit him in the crotch with the pole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 885
You deserved it 12 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Um... why would he put a mop there? If you're a girl, I would suspect a hidden message. I don't generally see people with things between their legs when they want a price check.


Natradtasticx17 0

hahaha. wow why would he have in between his legs? weird :D

Futt_Buck 0

Congradulations on killing a hundred fetuses...

quietgirl 0

maybe he had it between his legs so he could use his hands to look in his wallet to see if he had money or something. Im pretty sure it wasnt perverted or weird. That sucks that you hit him *there* though. lol, lets hope you dont get in trouble.

bonafidehustler 0

I'd really like to know HOW the mop poll ended up in between the guy's legs.

PhatPanduh 4

Aw that sucks. But it's pretty funny.

jeanniner 0

not your fault... why would he have it between his legs? Was he pretending to be a witch or something?

mariposalies 0

One time when I worked at a store, I turned around quickly and my hand kind of swung. I ended up accidently cupping the ahem package of the man behind me. I was mortified and said "OMG sorry." He smiled and said, "Well hi there."

lmao that's something i would do hahaha