Sorry, dude

By kiki - 25/05/2009 01:35 - United States

Today, I was working at a grocery store and a man came to my register to ask for the price of a mop. I took the mop from him to scan it without realizing the pole was between his legs. I hit him in the crotch with the pole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 885
You deserved it 12 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Um... why would he put a mop there? If you're a girl, I would suspect a hidden message. I don't generally see people with things between their legs when they want a price check.


I agree with #16 on that one. They really should have a "fail" button we can click. Besides, I'm guessing the guy assumed you'd use a handheld scanner to check instead of whipping the thing on the scanner.

I've did that once when I was a cashier at a house wears store. Except, I did it with a shower rod. I was mortified, and the customer in pain. I apologized over and over, and the customer was actually pretty cool about it. He said he'd worked in retail before and should have known better than to let me grab the rod.

blland 0

im sure he did it on purpose.

FMLisright 0

Yeah, what was his mop doing between his legs? Sounds like you did the right thing.

fretforyerlatte 0

lmfao #9 hah you grabbed his pole. LOL. it was his own fault! don't feel bad.

He deserves it for being a weirdo!

HDI for walking around like that.

Lol, he deserved it! I bet he was trying to get you to grab his crotch. Fail.