Snitches get bitches

By Innocent - 18/08/2016 23:03 - New Zealand

Today, someone drove into my car at an intersection and drove off. Luckily, I got the car's registration plate and called the cops on them. Turns out, it was my boyfriend's brother's girlfriend, who was illegally driving without a license. Now everyone's mad at me for getting her in trouble. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 719
You deserved it 1 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She deserved it. She was driving illegal, and its not your fault that she's stupid

She does a hit and run and everyone is mad at you? Screw them OP, I hope she pays for every last cent of damage to your car.


You didn't get her in trouble. SHE got her in trouble.

ViviMage 38

I was hit by a kid with a revoked license and no insurance. I was at a yield waiting for a 7 car pileup to be straightened out ahead, and he was too distracted by his earbuds to see his odometer after 40 mph, or that I was still stopped. My car was totaled and left skids for 20 feet, and his car's - belonging to the father - engine caught fire. If you are gonna drive illegally, don't get caught. Or attract attention. You did nothing wrong. She did.

Or, you know, don't drive illegally. I don't know how people even get away with that. In Switzerland, if you are pulled over and you don't have a license you pay thousands of dollars and you could theoretically go to prison for up to three years. Definitely not worth it.

At first, I read "my boyfriend's other girlfriend" and was impressed that none of the commenters was judging OP'S relationship choice. Then I got suspicious and re-read.

This is very troubling. How little must they value you that someone breaks the law and damages an expensive, vital piece of property of yours in the process, then after you report a hit and run, not even knowing who it is, they're all mad at YOU? I'm so sorry, OP, but it's time to have a serious talk about where your boyfriend's loyalties lie. Maybe even re evaluate your relationship. Unless he's not part of the "everyone" who's mad at you, in which case, screw his family and make her pay the damages

Why aren't they mad at her for wrecking your car?

Since your boyfriend's family is mad at you. There's something wrong with that family, if I were you...I would run far away. They are brunch of pea brains.

hoosiergirl94 31

I'm sure not everyone is mad at you. And she deserves it for being that stupid

Maybe they should be mad at her for driving without a license, plowing into you, and driving off. Just a thought. If your boyfriend is on their side, I would bail ASAP!