
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Orlando

Today, I realized I can't wait until my daughter moves out the house when she is 18. She's eight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 252
You deserved it 29 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Calm down, she's just 8. Once she does move out you'll probably wish she was back. Let's hope she doesn't see her about this FML when she IS 18.

Cherish the moments you have with her when she gets older she could want nothing to do with you


If you feel that way you shouldn't have kids. You're probably a bad parent to have such hate for a child, remember your child is a reflection of you.

You're probably childless and alone. See? I can make dumb assumptions too!

who10nanny, regardless of whether or not wickedcharm has children, she's right. Children are partially a product of their environment. But given how often you point out that you're a mother, you should know that, hm?

Pinkfun69 4

It's so true, I have 3 daughters one is out in her own. 2 more to go..

Why in gods name did you have kids if you look forward to kicking them out?

TheDrifter 23

When you first have kids it seems like a great idea. After two decades of whining, fighting and teenage girl drama, it will wear on you. It's like an old soldier looking forward to retirement, proud of what they have achieved and wishing the best for the future, but worn out and ready to step aside for another to take their place.

Not everybody raises their kids to whine, fight and be dramatic.. That's just lazy parenting

Seriously?? She's 8. Kids can be pains. They grow out of their annoying habits, you can't judge them on how annoying they will be throughout life when they are only 8. It's normal to be annoyed by your child, not really a FML :(

that's horrible. she's just 8. you need to give her some attention and loving.

If that is really how you see your kid, then please consider seeking profesional help. It is not normal to feel that way all the time and if you ever loved your child then get HER help. If you felt just frustratred and needed to vent then yoiu might consider a less public outlet for the next time.

Goblin182 26

If you feel that way now, wait until she's 13. I hope this is a momentry thing and you are just venting. Otherwise its not an FYL its an F your daughter's life. How horrible it would be to grow up in a home where you are not loved and wanted.

look on the bright side - it's only one more year and you're half through your odysee. but let's be honest - once she hits puberty you'll be happy about every night she stays home and not with some shady boyfriend ;)