
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Orlando

Today, I realized I can't wait until my daughter moves out the house when she is 18. She's eight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 252
You deserved it 29 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Calm down, she's just 8. Once she does move out you'll probably wish she was back. Let's hope she doesn't see her about this FML when she IS 18.

Cherish the moments you have with her when she gets older she could want nothing to do with you


You are a horrible person.. Of course it is stressful and depressing sometimes. But this is why you live for - your children you selfish pricks!

cryssycakesx3 22

if that's how you feel keep your legs closed and don't have kids. there's plenty of people that would cherish having a child. already wanting her to move out... what a good mom.

chloem103 9

Jeez why? I'm sure you'll change your mind.

Some parent YOU are.....I'd want to move out of your house too if I wasn't wanted. You're a jerk who obviously does not like kids.

Cherish the time as you's like a blink and she'll be there...pack in as much as you can in these final ten years...

Wow. Even Honey Boo Boo's Mom loves having her around. And look at the state of THAT dysfunctional family. Congrats. You're a worse parent than that. Love your children unconditionally and have some patience.

That's because her daughter is a cash cow.

With a mother like that, I'm sure she'll get out as soon as she can.

I love my kids, but let's face it. Having kids is like having shitty housemates that never contribute to rent or pick up after themselves. Not all babies or children have easy personalities. It's especially hard if you're doing everything on your own and aren't rich enough to pay a sitter or take a vacation for "mommy time". Factor in depression or exhaustion and you'll eventually get a bit resentful. Some parents work 12+ hours a day. Then come home to a house that's a wreck because their older kids can't be bothered to pick up after themselves. I know I don't want to spend the little time I have with them on their case about it, so we live in a messy house.

then teach them to clean up after themselves. if youre seriously gonna bitch about that you shouldnt have had children!!!!!!!! my fiance works 12 hours days 6 days a week and never does he ever bitch about helping with our son. we made him and hes our responsibility for his entire,life, and no matter how old he is he will always be my baby and i would do absolutely amything for him, you obviously dont feel that way aboout your kid so whyd you have any at all???!!!

SuperMew 22

Home is being honest. Children are hard to deal with. They are shitty. You should want to help them and love them, but eventually you have to understand that not all children are perfect and pretending they are is stupid.

My lady and I have a 13 and a 14 year old. It's hard sometimes but no matter what I want em around to protect them and guide them! Some people are just to selfish to have children ! I say you, OP, need to grow the **** up and cherish your child!

SuperMew 22

I was with you until you said "some people are too selfish to have children." Choosing to not have children is not selfish. However, what Op is doing is harsh, because she is eight.

squideth 18

94 you realize that having children is just as selfish as not, right? Everything you do in life is selfish, idiot. Stop being so self righteous, you're not special because you popped out a kid.