
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Orlando

Today, I realized I can't wait until my daughter moves out the house when she is 18. She's eight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 252
You deserved it 29 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Calm down, she's just 8. Once she does move out you'll probably wish she was back. Let's hope she doesn't see her about this FML when she IS 18.

Cherish the moments you have with her when she gets older she could want nothing to do with you


My wife and I are right there with you. We love our kids but are very aware of them growing up and look forward to their success in life.

I think you're really brave to admit this. It doesn't mean you don't love and cherish her. I get it.

skyeyez9 24

I found 8 to be a fun age with my when she was in the "terrible two stage" that is a different story, I understood why some animals eat their own young.

I'm nineteen years old, if I some how found out that my mom publicly posted that she wanted me out as soon as possible and I was only eight at the time, I would be upset. I don't have kids myself but I understand being a parent is not easy in any aspect, but I don't think that means that you should wish your child away from you. I hope you treat your daughter well. Kids are more observant than you think. They absorb any kind of hostility or whatever attitude people project on them. That whole nature vs. nuture theory, it's powerful. Cherish your time with her. She's only eight, don't expect so much out of her. Children have no choice but to rely on their role models, and you better be a good one.

Wow... such a "loving" mother you are. Glad I'm not your kid.

that makes you sound like a terrible parent. i hope your daughter doesnt know you feel that way. parenthood is one of the most challenging things in life and if you thought it qould be easy you were sadly mistaken. mosy parents, apparently not including you, think its also the most wonderful joy in life, it is very surprising that you are pretty much saying you regret the decision to become a parent. unfortunately for your daughters sake you didnt realize this before you had her

then why did you have a kid? if you thought she'd be different then you're raising her wrong YDI.

crazytwinsmom 25

Don't be too hard on yourself OP. Every Mom has a moment like that once in awhile. And the people who don't believe that either don't have kids or have very young kids.

Well it won't get any better. Worse: these are the best days of your life. And that's no joke!!!!! You could also trying to enjoy.... I did, and truly it were the best. Happiness is really often found under ones nose!